Test Drilling Division
Dig This...
Site soil investigations demand that data collection is performed properly and thoroughly. With a large, customized fleet of drill rigs, Earthcore can address a broad set of drilling challenges. Our well trained crews have decades of drilling experience in extreme locations, under adverse weather conditions, and in the multitude of subsurface soil and rock formations encountered.

Types Covered
Geotechnical Drilling
Test borings are performed by drilling, logging, and collecting samples using standardized testing procedures defined by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). The data and samples collected during these in-situ tests are analyzed to determine properties of the soil and rock, which are utilized by engineers to provide civil and structural designs.
Core Capabilities
- Test Borings & Rock Coring
- Undisturbed Sampling
- Depth-to-Rock Probes / Proof Drilling
- Instrumentation & Monitoring Wells

Environmental Drilling
Environmental drilling is performed to obtain samples and install monitoring wells which aid engineers in determining the contamination levels present in groundwater, soil, and rock formations. A wide range of test procedures, data collection methods, and well instrumentation are utilized to design remediation programs for potentially contaminated properties across many industries.
Core Capabilities
- Macro and Split-Spoon Lined Sampling
- Direct Push Sampling
- Monitoring Wells / Well Abandonment
- Packer Testing
Remediation Drilling
Environmental remediation measures consist of drilling, installation of monitoring/treatment wells, and constructing various in-situ injection systems to mitigate or eliminate the contamination of soil, rock, water, and sediments. Systems are installed to facilitate the remediation of shallow or deep contamination zones, whether confined to a small area or across an entire site and beyond its property lines.
Core Capabilities
- Injection Walls
- Recovery and Extraction Wells
- Grout Curtains / Cut-off Walls
- Soil Mixing and Solidification

Drilling Capabilities

- (610)-404-2570
- info@earthcoreusa.com
511 Thornbury ln
Haverford, PA 19041